Archive for November, 2013

Getting ready for Christmas!

Posted: 23rd November 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Yes the tree went up 2 weeks ago – that’s November 8th folks! Must be a new record for us!

At the powerhouse museum

Posted: 22nd November 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized

What to do on a rainy weekend? Museum it!! 1. Powerhouse Museum Loved The Wiggles interactive section!! The kids actually sat through a 30 minute science experiment show! It was great! Dr. Science did a few demos of Bernoulli’s principle, made elephant toothpaste, and an electric spark. So cool! 2. Australian Natural Museum Loved the […]

Ethan’s batman birthday!

Posted: 2nd November 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized

My goodness, how quickly they grow! I can’t believe Ethan is 3 already!! Baked a dimple cake for school. Ethan dressed as Supergirl that day. Apparently he lives how the skirt twirls!! Saturday we had a lovely party at the spider web park in Coogee where it was all about batman, playing games, and eating […]

Happy Halloween!!

Posted: 2nd November 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized

This year we tried the same short route but there was virtually no one giving out lollies. Luckily we ran into someone who directed us up a few blocks where several houses were really into Halloween so the kids got some lollies….phew!! No pumpkin this year tho – there was none to be found!!

Tomas as ‘Star of the Week’ at school

Posted: 2nd November 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized

This week Tomas was star of the week, which means he had to complete a story about himself with drawings and photos. And bring his favourite things to school (hobbies, toys and photos) to put on display for the class. Then on Thursday he did a presentation to the class. I was lucky to be […]

Plants vs Zombies – dress up party

Posted: 2nd November 2013 by Bethany in Uncategorized