Archive for December, 2012

Craft time!

Posted: 27th December 2012 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Hammer, nails (large tacs), wooden pieces with pinhole and a cork board – for boys, you can’t go wrong with this combo of materials! Making bouncy balls with mom- Thanks “Big James” for this kit! Tomas is in heaven! Pouring colorful crystals into the moulds and in a few short minutes, presto a bouncy ball!

Merry Christmas!

Posted: 27th December 2012 by Bethany in Uncategorized 10,000 people attended!!

Marble tracks rock!

Posted: 19th December 2012 by Bethany in random

We made our own marble track mazes from boxes and straws taped down. What s great thinking project as Tomas and I discussed where to place straws so marbles could get through!

Even his beard wins!

Posted: 18th December 2012 by Bethany in Announcements Yay Mike’s beard!

Coogee Christmas Carols

Posted: 18th December 2012 by Bethany in Coogee Beach

On a balmy Sunday eve we sat in a crowd of about 5000 awaiting the carols. We thought by arriving at 5pm we’d be able to secure a good spot for the show that starts st 6:30. Wrong! Yet we managed to get a spot on the grass about halfway from the stage. We enjoyed […]

Its happened….

Posted: 17th December 2012 by Bethany in Announcements

After 4.5 years of attaining his own funding and winning several awards, Mike has been offered a permanent position at the University of New South Wales! We couldn’t be more thrilled to finally call Sydney our home! Of course the news is bitter sweet as we’ll miss our family and friends overseas! Know that you […]

Preschool Christmas concert

Posted: 17th December 2012 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Tomas put on quite the performance at the preschool’s xmas concert. Check it out on this video of his favourite Aussie Xmas carol: “Santa koala” sung to the tune of waltzing Matilda. Click to view video.

Way to go Mike!

Posted: 12th December 2012 by Bethany in Announcements

The Faculty of Science Early Career Researacher Award goes to …