Archive for September, 2012

Trip to the Snow

Posted: 28th September 2012 by Bethany in Big Trips

A couple weekends ago (September 14-17) we took our kids to their first snowy experience. Funny that this experience should happen in Australia of all places! The snowy mountain is about a 6 hour drive southwest of us and so we left Thursday after Mike’s class at 2pm and headed out. The kids lasted until […]

Another award for Mike!

Posted: 25th September 2012 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Kite Fest

Posted: 12th September 2012 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Gotta love the kite festival at bondi beach! There were a kazillion kites, orchestra and vendors selling kites. Picked up a couple cuts octopus kites with long dangly legs for kids. Have yet to try them.

Kites for the family

Posted: 8th September 2012 by Bethany in Uncategorized

Tomas’ first attempt st drifting out all our names!

Happy Aussie Father’s Day!

Posted: 2nd September 2012 by Bethany in Uncategorized

A family hike along the coast for father’s day. The kids climbed over beautiful sandstone rock and Ethan found a few puddles to jump in. Lucky for us we got a rare family shot thanks to another dad passing by – first family photo this year! Happy Father’s Day to all you fab dads out […]