Archive for August, 2012

Canadian Summer

Posted: 26th August 2012 by Bethany in Big Trips

Took a while to get this posting finished as I only recently uploaded photos to my computer! We were fortunate to visit Canada again this summer and we made the most of our 2 months there. We stopped in San Franscisco for 4 days before heading to Hamilton, Ontario. Breaking up the flight in this […]

He reads!

Posted: 17th August 2012 by Bethany in random

On August 15 while we were eating dinner, Tomas surprised us by reading his first word on the ketchup bottle – the word “NO”! He sounded it out by himself without any coaxing from us. It appears that he HAS been listening to our lessons!

The hulk and friend

Posted: 15th August 2012 by Bethany in random

Tomas and Ariel enjoying their green lollies.


Posted: 14th August 2012 by Bethany in random

Back in Australia and we’ve encountered some cold winter weather! A bit of a shocked coming from sunny hot Canada! On Sunday we even deported our winter duds (see photo). It was the first time I brought out my down-filled jacket since we moved here. It was a low of 5 oC and high of […]