Archive for June, 2012

Ethan’s first swim on his own

Posted: 27th June 2012 by Bethany in Outings

On sunday we visited our lovely friends Sonja and Kevin, and their new baby Owen. The kids were thrilled to play in their pool and Ethan was quick to try his out his water wings. I put them on and within minutes he was swimming on his own.

San Fran

Posted: 22nd June 2012 by Bethany in Big Trips
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Our first stop on our way to Canada was San Francisco. We went to visit a couple very good friends and we also wanted to try something different this time by breaking up the flight. So 14 hours later we arrived in San Fran. We stayed with our dear friend Damian who was such a […]

Living the American dream

Posted: 13th June 2012 by Bethany in Outings

Two days into our stay in Canada and we are at Costco! I’d forgotten how crazy big and inexpensive this store is! I was ready to buy all kinds of unnecessary jumbo size items until i remembered i was on holiday.

Cleaning on a rainy day

Posted: 3rd June 2012 by Bethany in Uncategorized