Archive for March, 2012

Camping at Jervis Bay

Posted: 18th March 2012 by Bethany in Big Trips

Since we enjoyed our last camping trip with the kids, we thought we would try another trip somewhere a bit more remote. Jervis Bay is a beautiful bay located about 3 hours south of Sydney.  We arrived Thursday March 15 and the campsite was empty. It was around 2pm and the wildlife was prevalent.  We […]

More of Tomas’ Creative Side

Posted: 7th March 2012 by Bethany in random


Splish Splash

Posted: 7th March 2012 by Bethany in random

On our way home from preschool on a very hot, humid day, we were invited to splash in the sprinkler that was watering the grass along one of our pathways. The kids were thrilled! This was Ethan’s first time playing in a sprinkler and I don’t think he knew what to make of it. But […]

Tomas’ Art at the Beach

Posted: 7th March 2012 by Bethany in random

Horahhh Tomas has developed his drawing skills. He no longer only draws fireworks and circles (thank goodness!).