Archive for January, 2012

Tomas turns 4!

Posted: 15th January 2012 by Bethany in Events

I can hardly believe it. Tomas is 4 years old! And what does he tell me on his birthday but, ” mummy, I want to be 10″. I explain that he won’t be 10 for a long time and that it might be nice to enjoy his time while he’s 4. Tomas at 4 loves: […]

Good times over holidays

Posted: 13th January 2012 by Bethany in random

We were lucky to have Mike home with us for 2 weeks over the Christmas Holidays. Here are some of the highlights of our time together

Happy Holidays!

Posted: 4th January 2012 by Bethany in random

A bit late I know….but nevertheless, here’s our holiday story! Every year, we have a Chris-kringle with a few families. Emma, Mike’s colleague and dear friend of ours hosts this event every year, which is super nice of her and her hubby, Sam. This year, Tomas was really into it and enjoyed the gift exchange […]