Archive for November, 2011

Sculptures by the Sea

Posted: 28th November 2011 by Bethany in Outings

A couple weeks ago family kasumovic did the trek from Coogee Beach to Bondi Beach while viewing the beautiful sculptures on display at this year’s “Sculptures by the Sea” event. It was a beautiful hot day so we planned to stop at Bronti Beach for a swim and picnic (about 1/3 of the way to […]

Daddy’s work

Posted: 21st November 2011 by Bethany in random

So every Wednesday morning I go to pilates at the uni where Mike works. I drop the kids off with Mike for the hour or so of my class and he (and usually the students in the lab) entertain them. Although this one day, Ethan kept very busy with the rocks for the fish tanks. […]


Posted: 21st November 2011 by Bethany in random

This is how we roll when the double pram is out of order!

Darling Harbour Splash Park

Posted: 21st November 2011 by Bethany in Outings

A week or so ago, Tomas, Ethan and I along with our dear friends, Vicky, Sophie (3 years) and Audrey (9 months) went to a new splash park in the City. It was amazing! The main area of the park was set up as a braided river system where you could alter the path of […]

Mike wins again!

Posted: 14th November 2011 by Bethany in Announcements

We just received the best news. Mike has been awarded the DECRA (Discovery Early Research Award). This grant will cover his salary for the next 3 to 4 years. It looks like Mike’s hard work writing these grants has paid off! He now has, not only a crap load of research money for the next […]

Ethan at 1

Posted: 13th November 2011 by Bethany in random

At one year old, Ethan has become quite the little person. He is saying all kinds of new baby words, like dat, dada, ish, woff, and baba. He is also communicating very well by pointing his finger and using his eyes. We’ve been able to figure out what he wants in most cases. It’s truly […]

Ethan’s 1st Birthday

Posted: 10th November 2011 by Bethany in Events

I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by! My little bub is 1 already! We had a small celebration at home on his b-day (the 1st) as his party would have to wait until Tomas recovered from a nasty virus. This past Wednesday we finally threw Ethan the party he deserved! We held […]

Mike’s Good News

Posted: 5th November 2011 by Bethany in Announcements

The Australian Research Council has awarded Mike a ‘Discovery Grant’ which means that he has funding for 3 years to do research!This is great news as his current funding expires at the end of this year! So, hats off to Mike! The only hitch is that it doesn’t come with a salary. We’re waiting to […]

Happy Halloween!

Posted: 2nd November 2011 by Bethany in Outings

This year Tomas decided he wanted to be a transformer. This was a bit of a surprise since he has not seen any transformer shows or movies, but a transformer mask caught his eye and as he’s really into robots, he was sold! I thought we’d dress Tomas in some cool blue and red duds […]