Archive for April, 2011

Tomas Does Magic

Posted: 28th April 2011 by Bethany in random

Earlier this month, there was a magic show at Tomas’ preschool. It was the one time that I didn’t stick around for such an event, and wouldn’t you know it, Tomas was picked to be the magician’s assistant! Here are a few photos from the school. They aren’t the greatest, but at least you get […]

Tomas Gardens

Posted: 14th April 2011 by Bethany in random

For the first time, Tomas did some gardening at a garden centre near us. It was fantastic! We’ve talked so much about plants; we water all the plants on our balcony and at the front door, but this was the real thing! The garden centre gave a 30 minute lesson to kids 2 years and […]

Taronga Zoo

Posted: 13th April 2011 by Bethany in Outings

Last Sunday (April 3rd) we took the kids to the Taronga Zoo, located in Sydney, across Darling Harbour. We took the ferry there which was super exciting for Tomas who sat with me at the back of the boat and watched the wake of the ferry. We were looking forward to seeing the three baby […]

Ethan @ 5 months

Posted: 7th April 2011 by Bethany in random

At 5 months old, Ethan weighs 8.6 kg (19 Lbs) and he’s long, although we haven’t measured his length, nor have the doctors as that’s not something they typically do here. But he’s wearing size 1 clothing already because of his long limbs, which tells me he’s going to be tall like his brother and […]