Archive for July, 2010

Cockatoo Island

Posted: 24th July 2010 by Bethany in Outings

On Saturday, the 23rd, we joined our good friend Nelika for a trip to Cockatoo Island, located in Sydney Harbour. The Island is playing host to this year’s Biennale Contemporary Art Show. We took a ferry to the island, which I believe was Tomas’ favourite part of the trip. We spent the better part of […]

6 Month Belly Shot

Posted: 24th July 2010 by Bethany in random

A little OCD

Posted: 23rd July 2010 by Bethany in random

Mike and I got a real kick out of this…… We watched Tomas place his construction stickers in his sketch book and noticed that he carefully separated them into sections, for example, pylons, stop sign and dump trucks. When he encountered a sticker that had 2 items such as a pylon and stop sign, Tomas […]

June Favs

Posted: 1st July 2010 by Bethany in Monthly Favs

Happy Canada Day!

Posted: 1st July 2010 by Bethany in random

I can’t believe it’s July 1st already. Hope all you Canucks are having a great day!