Archive for June, 2010

Farm Animals @ Fox Studios

Posted: 28th June 2010 by Bethany in Outings

On Saturday June 26th, Mike, Tomas and I paid a visit to one of my favourite spots in Sydney, Fox Studios. This time there was a different farm hosting animals for the kids to touch and feed. Tomas was thrilled to feed the animals a big carrot. A small guinea pig was the hungriest of […]

May Favs

Posted: 12th June 2010 by Bethany in Monthly Favs

Our big boy!

Posted: 11th June 2010 by Bethany in Events

Today, Tomas went pee in the potty twice! And not just sitting down either. Mike has taught him the proper stance. I must say, it’s amazing that the pee makes it into the potty!! The first time he went, he was with daddy at 7am. We celebrated with ice cream – who cares that it’s […]