Archive for January, 2010

Tomas turns 2!

Posted: 11th January 2010 by Bethany in Events

Happy Birthday Tomas! Can you believe it? Yes, Tomas is 2 years old this January 10, 2010! We threw him a little party by the beach to celebrate. Mike made mini burgers for the kids, and friends brought chips, dip and fruit. My contribution was the cake, and what a cake it was. I was […]

December Favs

Posted: 7th January 2010 by Bethany in Monthly Favs

Christmas 2009

Posted: 6th January 2010 by Bethany in Events

For Xmas this year, we attended the carols at Coogee Beach, which was super fun and busy as you can see in these photos! We went with some friends and had a picnic. All in all a great time! Xmas day was pretty quiet this year, just hung in at home for the morning, exchanged […]