Archive for September, 2009

Red Dust Storm

Posted: 25th September 2009 by Bethany in random

On Sept 23rd we awoke to a cloudy red sky only to find out that a dust storm had hit that morning! Northwesterly winds brought thousands of tons of dust from the outback and dumped it on Sydney and the surrounding area. It was crazy! Check out the views from our balcony!

Tomas’ First Hair Cut

Posted: 22nd September 2009 by Bethany in Events

On September 17th we said a sad good bye to Tomas’ gorgeous baby curls! We went to our local hair salon and he had his first proper hair cut! He was so good sitting still in the chair, we were amazed! I couldn’t believe how different he looked afterwards. He’s definitely a boy now…no more […]

Bondi Kite Show

Posted: 22nd September 2009 by Bethany in Outings

Last Sunday (Sept 13th) we went to a kite show at Bondi Beach. It was the first really hot day this spring. A high of 30C and bright and sunny! We decided to walk along the coast from Coogee Beach to Bondi Beach, which usually takes an hour or so, although with the sun beating […]

Father’s Day -Sept 6th

Posted: 22nd September 2009 by Bethany in Events

For father’s day, we enjoyed a quiet morning at the beach playing in the sand. Mike and Tomas were watching the BIG waves wash ashore. Check out their facial expressions!