Archive for August, 2009

Beth’s Birthday

Posted: 29th August 2009 by Bethany in Events

For my birthday this year Tomas and I joined Mike for his lab’s regular social event, called “beer o’clock” which happens every Friday at 4 pm and usually involves drinking a few beers and playing a little trivia. For the occasion, Mike brought champagne and a gorgeous sticky date and pear cake. It was great […]

Visit to Canada

Posted: 10th August 2009 by Bethany in Big Trips

We were lucky enough to spend the months of June and July in our home town of Hamilton.  Tomas was thrilled to have some new playmates. He had so much interaction with people that he picked up many new words and phrases like “oh no” and “uh oh” and “all wet”….yes, it rained like heck […]