2.4 km swim!

Posted: 19th May 2013 by Bethany in random

ok, one last post about me and my swim addiction…..On April 17, 2013, I entered the last big swim of the season (and my only swim race to date!). It was a 2.4km swim in Coogee Bay that goes out to sea, around wedding cake island and back. I waited until the day of to register as I wasn’t confident I could do the swim having never swam that far – ever! But, as two of my friends were entering and they were more than encouraging, I decided to sign up! I’m glad I did. It gave me great confidence to know I could swim this distance, without getting tired while also overcoming the fear of the wide open sea……and possibility of sharks. My time was not recorded for some unknown reason, but after talking to a few people, I estimate it to be about 60 minutes – not bad for a novice! It was especially nice to have my boys there to cheer me on at the finish!


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